Best weather for washing car

Best Weather for Washing the Car

Proper car maintenance is one of the cornerstones of car ownership and one of the greatest aspects and ensuring the longevity and high performance of your vehicle. When this topic is mentioned, people often make a mental jump to the greasy underbelly of the engine and expensive trips to their local mechanic, but maintaining the outside of your vehicle is an important facet of car ownership that preserves the value of your car. Here’s what we know: Best weather for washing the car

It is both an inexpensive part of maintenance and a fun one to boot, if it is done in optimal conditions. The weather in which you wash your car can greatly affect the overall job and prevent disaster.

Winter Washing? No Way.

Washing your car in the winter is ill advised at best, as the cold Wisconsin winters can turn that hot water that blasted away grime into an icy lock that makes it nigh impossible to get in or out of your car.

Fall and Spring? Maybe!

Fall and spring are both about equal in car washing potential in the long run, it can be done in both weather conditions and admirably at that, but without the hot sun to serve as a natural dryer, you may be left with more work and a streaky car to boot.

Summertime is Where It’s At!

The summer really starts to shine when it comes to car washing, as it takes a task normally confined to mundane drudgery and makes it a fun excuse to get out the hose. Throwing on some clothes you don’t mind getting wet and going hog wild cleaning the outside of your car can make some memorable moments, combined with the drying effect of the sun’s hot rays and the bright light that magnifies any areas that could have been missed, make summer the absolute perfect season to whip out the Armor All and turtle wax and make your car really shine.

Top Tips:

1) Avoid direct sunshine to keep from forming soap spots!

2) Make sure to use a clean sponge! (dirt can scratch your paint)

3) Make sure to wax afterwards!

4) Enjoy the exercise and stretch beforehand to ensure you don’t injure yourself during the washing process!