Category Archives: Tips & Tricks

Winter tires

Stay safe on the roads this winter with these driving tips!

Winter 2017 Driving Tips Wisconsin

Winter is knocking on the door here in Wisconsin, and many people take a while to remember how to drive in the snowy, difficult conditions. While we get used to it pretty quickly here in Wisconsin, we have decided to create a list of helpful tips to get you back in the right mindset for winter driving. Check them out here! Read the rest of this entry >>

Mechanic Checking tires

How do I check my tire pressure?

How to check tire pressure

Most people don’t think about the health of their tires on a daily basis while driving, but they are an extremely important piece of your vehicle. Having properly inflated tires helps to improve the quality of your drive and can even help your fuel efficiency increase. You might not be sure what the recommended tire pressure is in your vehicle, or even how to inflate your tires correctly, which is why we are here to help you! Read the rest of this entry >>

Pothole on the road

Five Ways Potholes Damage Your Vehicle

Pothole season means the end of the snow season, but it also means that the roads start to show the wear and tear of the changing temperatures. Suddenly, huge pits in the road are leaving you frustrated and potentially leaving your car in worse shape! Check out these five parts that potholes can damage, and bring your vehicle in for an inspection to get things cleared up.   Read the rest of this entry >>

Vehicle wheel

3 Warning Signs for Worn Out Brake Pads

Our cars are very important to us. That’s an understatement. The truth of the matter is that we need our vehicles for just about everything we do, from going to work every day to taking that family camping trip in the summer. When there’s something wrong with our car, it can really throw a wrench into our plans and even cost us a lot of money. So, what’s the best way to keep our cars in great shape? Know the warning signs of issues and get things taken care of before it’s too late. Here are three warning signs for worn out brake pads that you shouldn’t ignore!  Read the rest of this entry >>

2017_Ford_Focus_RS on the road

3 Things to Remember When Buying Used Luxury Cars

When you’re in the market for a car, you are often forced to choose between buying a new compact car without any of the bells and whistles, or a nicer used car for a similar price. While a new car is appealing in several ways, there’s something to be said for getting more comfort and luxury for your money. Check out these three things to remember when buying a luxury car.   Read the rest of this entry >>

Oil change services

Oil Change Coupons and Savings Milwaukee WI

Vehicle maintenance might not be at the top of everyone’s priority list, but when it comes to extending the life and longevity of your car, it might be worth moving up a few spaces. Not only does regular vehicle maintenance help to preserve all the important parts of your car, but it can work to prevent larger issues from becoming problematic, even dangerous, down the road. Read on to find a list of free online coupons for vehicle maintenance and repair in Milwaukee WI.   Read the rest of this entry >>

Man on the driver seat

What To Bring Along When Test Driving a New Car

When you’re in the market for a new vehicle, but you aren’t sure where to start, it is a good idea to test drive a few of your options. A vehicle has many parts that must work together in order to run, and taking it for a test drive is a good way to feel out a new or used car. When you show up at the dealership, you’ll want to make sure that you have everything you need in hand, so you can get out on the road in the car you want to test drive. Read on for a quick checklist of what to bring along when test driving a new car.   Read the rest of this entry >>

2016 Buick Encore sideview

Best New Cars for College Grads 2016

If you or someone you love has recently graduated from college, you might want to take a look through this list of the best new cars for college grads in 2016. Getting a new and reliable vehicle is a great way to start off a new chapter in life as a college graduate. Driving to a new job is even more exciting and comfortable in a vehicle that matches your personality, and offers the latest features and fuel economy ratings. Read here to learn more about which cars are great for recent college graduates.   Read the rest of this entry >>