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Tis the season to make extra money!

Holiday cash Kenosha WI

The holidays are a joyous time for throughout the area – families get together, meals are shared, gifts are exchanged, all inside our warm, cozy homes while we watch the snow fall outside. Wonderful, right? There’s just one problem.

All of that togetherness means gas money. The big meals mean grocery bills. The gifts mean… well, purchasing them. And how exactly are our homes supposed to stay toasty all winter without that heating bill creeping up? In short – the holidays are wonderful, but they can be expensive! To help you counter the extra costs that go hand-in-hand with the festive season ahead, we’ve put together a list of ideas for how to keep you and your wallet equally merry.

Our first suggestion is one that you’ll want to get a jump on right now: seasonal work. Lots of local businesses – particularly in the retail sector, of course – are looking to hire help to handle the holiday rush. This works well for many working people because the hours tend to target shoppers who have day jobs just like you, so the hours available are usually just night and weekends, and tend to be very flexible. It may not be your perfect cup of tea to get off work and go straight to another job, but the pain is lessened quite a bit when you’ve got that extra cash to wave around. Some retailers might even give you an employee discount!

Speaking of jobs, we’ll put out there that if your current gig isn’t a particularly fun place to work and you’re up for a different way to make money altogether, we might just know a pretty cool auto dealership that’s hiring right now…

Sell things! Now might be a good time to take stock of your possessions. Do you really need your small digital camera anymore now that your always-on-hand integrated smartphone camera produces such high-quality, easily-shareable pics? Maybe not. Are you sitting on a pile of DVDs while everything you watch is streamed online? Chances are, you’ve got some things around that have a decent resale value and are not much use to you. That’s money in the bank!

Put your skills to work. Whether you’re a knitter, a mechanic, or an excellent dog-walker, chances are you’ve got some sort of talent that others lack the skill or time for – and that can mean cash for you with a little self-promotion. It can’t hurt to offer your services here and there – give it a try!

Cut corners. Now, the other way to keep your funds from dwindling too much if you’re not keen on seeking additional income is to spend less. Any monthly expenses that can be put on hold for a few months, like premium cable channels, unlimited cellular data, manicures, take-out meals… there’s probably quite a bit, if you think about it! Also – and we’ve just got to say it – you can save big on repairs down the road by making sure all your scheduled auto maintenance is up to date!

We hope this was helpful – best of luck in all your money-saving endeavors this season!